Experience in commercial disputes:
- representing large energy company - the defendant - in the lawsuit in debts collection case for the delivery of goods in the amount of RUB 2 million. The Law Firm drafted and filed a counterclaim, claiming the replacement the delivered goods with the goods from the appropriate country of origin. The arbitrazh court refused to satisfy the initial claim and satisfied the counterclaim. The court mentioned the fact, that the delivery of equipment provided for by the contract was not proved by the claimant; the supply of goods from the country of origin as defined in the specification to the contract is an essential condition of the contract. The appellate court upheld the decision of the first instance court;
- representing large energy company – the defendant in debts collection case for rendered services for the disposition of low-mineralized wastewater in the amount of more than RUB 15 million. The project’s objective was to reduce the amount of satisfied claims. The low-mineralized waters disposition services are quite specific. Similar services under the same or analogous scheme, which was applied by the claimant in Russia, are not rendered in Russia. Comparative method chosen by the expert to determine the value was not applicable. The Law Firm participated in the negotiations with the claimant. As a result, the agreement was reached and performed, that the defendant will not file re-examination request and the claimant, in turn, will partially refuse from his claims;
- representing large energy company as a defendant in debts collection case for delivered goods plus interest in a total amount of RUB 3 million. The supplier submitted signed invoices and reconciliation deed in support of his claims. The Firm drafted and filed a counterclaim to terminate the contract in connection with the violation by the plaintiff of the essential terms of the supply contract, since the supplier delivered cheaper analogue of the declared products from another manufacturer. The arbitrazh court dismissed the initial claim and satisfied the counterclaim of our client. The court took into account the fact, that the delivery of equipment provided for by the contract was not proved by the claimant. The defendant confirmed the existence of significant violations of the contractual terms. The appellate upheld the decision of the first instance court;
- representing Mongolian construction company – the claimant in the case on termination of contract, recovery of unjust enrichment from the design organization in the amount of more than 4 million rubles, as well as penalties for violation of the deadlines in the amount of more than RUB 0.5 million. The Firm conducted pre-trial negotiations with the defendant, prepared a lawsuit, supplement to the lawsuit, appeal, cassation appeal, opinion on Mongolian law rules from Mongolian law company, received letters from another Mongolian construction company about the impossibility to prepare working documentation for construction on the basis of design documentation prepared by the defendant, conducted analysis of correspondence by email between the parties, organized documents translation from Mongolian language into Russian and their notarization;
- representing large energy company – the defendant in debts collection case for the delivered goods and rendered services. The Law Firm raised counter-arguments to object the plaintiff’s claims, that the contract between the parties was not concluded. The rules on unjust enrichment were not applicable to the parties’ relations, since the defendant was a natural monopoly subject. The defendant was obliged to purchase in accordance with the Law no. 223-FZ, since the contract between the parties was not concluded. The actual delivery of services and goods did not not entail counter-performance obligations on the defendant's side;
- representing the claimant in the arbitrazh court in the case of the recovery of unjust enrichment connected with the difference in the cost of actually delivered equipment and equipment, the supply of which was provided for by the contract, as well as penalties for late delivery of equipment. The arbitrazh court satisfied the claims in part regarding the recovery of the penalty. The first instance court acknowledged, that the defendant misinterpreted the terms of the contract, and therefore, the penalty must be recovered in full. The defendant filed a motion to leave the claim without consideration due to non-compliance with the pre-trial settlement procedure. The court dismissed the motion and upheld the plaintiff's objections;
- representing large energy company – the defendant in the case initiated by the claim to recover a penalty in the amount of 20% of the fee for the use of vehicles provided by the claimant to the defendant under a contract for the provision of vehicles with crew. The plaintiff claimed, that this penalty should have been recovered from the defendant for his refusal to use the vehicles provided for by the charter contract. The arbitrazh court rejected the claim in full. Thus, the claims against our client were found unreasonable. The appellate court upheld the decision of the first instance court;
- representing the interests of a Russian company in a dispute over the recovery damages in the supply of counterfeit goods (materials for the construction of a pipeline) in the arbitrazh courts of appeal and cassation. As a result of the appeal the court granted the client's requirements in full, the amount of damages recovered was increased 6 times;
- representing Russian company in a dispute concerning a contract of the supply of building materials worth around of RUB 75 million in the arbitrazh courts of appeal and cassation instances;
- representing film production company claiming a penalty for the delay in the performance of the contract, contract termination due to its material breach by the other party and damages resulting from the termination of the contract in the amount of approximately RUB 15 million from the film company in the arbitrazh courts of first and appellate instances;
- representing Swiss company in the debt recovery case from Russian contractor for design and reconstruction of a jewelry store services.