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Managing Partner
Alexander Nadmitov


Alexander Nadmitov is an experienced corporate and finance lawyer with over 20 years of expertise in providing legal support for corporate and financial transactions. Throughout his career, he has represented a diverse range of clients, including buyers and sellers, shareholders and management, borrowers, and financial institutions. Mr. Nadmitov has also represented parties in complex commercial and corporate disputes in commercial courts, foreign courts, and international arbitration tribunals.

Alexander specializes in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, shareholder agreements, joint ventures, financial transactions, support for fintech and cryptocurrency projects, personal data protection, antitrust law, and dispute resolution in both courts and international arbitration. His clients include large and medium-sized Russian and foreign companies and banks, as well as investment funds and private clients.

Before founding his firm, Mr. Nadmitov was a partner at a Russian law firm. Prior to that, he worked as an associate in the corporate, finance, and dispute resolution departments of leading international law firms. He began his legal career in the litigation department of a Russian law firm.

In June 2024, Alexander was appointed Director of Clubs and Member of the Board of Directors of the Harvard Alumni Association. He has also been a member of the board of the Harvard Club of Russia since 2009.

Alexander is an expert at the BRICS Antimonopoly Center, established under the auspices of the Higher School of Economics. He taught a course on the legal regulation of Artificial Intelligence technologies at the Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics and has delivered numerous lectures as part of the Financial Transactions and English Contract Law courses. Additionally, he taught the WTO Dispute Resolution course at the Russian Academy for Foreign Trade (RFTA).

In April 2023, Alexander was recognized in the federal Kommersant rating among the best lawyers in the category of "Energy and Natural Resources." In January 2020, Chambers & Partners ranked him as one of the recommended lawyers in FinTech Legal in Russia.

Alexander is also an arbitrator at the Russian Arbitration Center at the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration.


  • Master of Laws (LL.M.), Harvard Law School (USA) (Concentration in International Finance Law), Addison Brown Prize in Private International Law
  • Master of Laws (M. Juris), University of Oxford (England), Associate Editor, Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
  • Postgraduate student, University of Essex (England), Corporate Law
  • Bachelor and Master of Jurisprudence (with Honours), Faculty of Law, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


  • Author of the article "Liberalization for Entrepreneurs", Vedomosti, no. 89 (4816), 2019,
  • Co-author of the article “Derivatives Regulation in Russia”. Futures and Derivatives Law Report, Thomson Reuters, vol. 39, issue 4, 2019;
  • Author of the article  «Special zones for oligarchs. How domestic offshore companies win the race for capital», Forbes magazine online, 28 February 2019,
  • Co-author of the chapter “Antitrust Regulation in the PRC” in the book “Legal Basis of Business in China”, Publishing House of the Republic of South Ossetia, 2018;
  • Co-author of the article "Performance of Derivative Transactions Through the Central Counterparty". Russian Law Journal 6.1 (2018);
  • Co-author of the article “How to Convince a Bankruptcy Trustee to Abandon a Lawsuit that is Unfavorable for a Bankrupt Bank”. Legal Insight Magazine, no. 5 (61), 2017;
  • Co-author of the article “The Legality of Demolition of Unauthorized Buildings in Administrative Procedure”. Legal Insight Magazine, no. 2 (48), 2016;
  • Co-author of the article “New in the Practice of Using Discretionary Trusts”. Legal Insight Magazine, no. 2 (38), 2015;
  • Co-author of the article “WTO: How Membership has Changed Rules in Russia”. International Financial Law Review, no. 4, London, 2013;
  • Author of the book “Russian Sovereign Debt Restructuring”, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2013;
  • Co-author of the chapter about Russia, ‘Real Estate Finance: Law, Regulation & Practice’, LexisNexis, London, 2008.

We prioritize quality, efficiency, and a strategic approach in solving our clients' legal challenges—both in Russia and internationally.

Sergey Lapin

General information

Mr. Lapin specializes in mergers and acquisitions, securities markets, international arbitration and fintech. Has extensive experience in legal support of transactions of large Russian and international companies and investment banks.

Prior to joining the firm, Sergei Lapin worked as a senior associate at one of the leading international investment banks and as a lawyer at several leading international and Russian law firms. Sergey is fluent in English and French.


  • Master of Laws (LL.M.), Duke University (USA)
  • Master of Laws (M. Juris), University of Oxford (England)
  • Specialist (jurisprudence), Nizhny Novgorod State University
Services in cross-border projects according to international standards
Sergey Lapin

Basic Information:

Mr. Lapin specializes in mergers and acquisitions, securities markets, international arbitration, and fintech. He possesses extensive experience in legal support for transactions involving large Russian and international companies and investment banks.

Before joining the firm, Sergey Lapin worked as a senior lawyer at one of the leading international investment banks, as well as a lawyer at several leading international and Russian law firms. Sergey is fluent in English and French.


Master of Laws (LL.M.), Duke University (USA) Master of Jurisprudence (M.Juris), University of Oxford Specialist (Jurisprudence), Nizhny Novgorod State University

International standards services in cross-border projects
Denis Kazakov

Basic Information:  

Denis has extensive experience in international arbitration and the enforcement of court decisions in foreign territories, as well as in the areas of international private law, contract law, and public-private partnerships.

Work Experience: 

Prior to joining the firm, Denis Kazakov also served in leadership legal roles at major Russian holdings. As the head of legal affairs for a management company, he took part in the reform of the special economic zones system in the Russian Federation (SEZ). In collaboration with federal authorities, he provided legal support for all operational processes involved in creating a “one-stop-shop” based on a joint-stock company for managing special economic zones. This included transferring the powers of federal authorities, managing and disposing of real estate assets, obtaining technical conditions for connecting to engineering infrastructure, developing and concluding agreements with SEZ residents, and ensuring the activities of the supervisory and expert councils of special economic zones.  


  •  Master of Jurisprudence
  • Graduated with honors from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia with a specialization in international law.


As an independent legal consultant, Mr. Kazakov took an expert part in the preparation of legislative amendments to stimulate the development of certain territories of the Russian Federation.
Legal Counsel for Litigation Practice
Sergey Grigoriev


Sergey has the status of attorney. He has significant professional experience in representation in arbitration courts in various categories of cases: corporate disputes, debt recovery and foreclosure of the pledged property, invalidation of transactions and decisions of governing bodies, reclamation of property, recognition of property rights, challenging non-normative acts and actions of state bodies, compensation for losses and unjust enrichment, legal representation in cases on bankruptcy of legal entities, as well as in complex corporate and financial transactions.


  • Specialist (Jurisprudence), RSUH (2002)
Our task is to ensure procedural parity in the most complex commercial and bankruptcy litigation.
Counselor of Criminal Law Practice
Bulat Tugutov

General Information

Bulat Tugutov is the head of the company's administrative and criminal law practice in the economic sphere, the practice of ensuring the interests of participants in enforcement proceedings.

He is a professional mediator for the settlement of disputes of various categories, including between individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the economic sphere.

Mr. Tugutov has over fifteen years of practical experience, including in senior positions in the Prosecutor's Office and the Federal Bailiff Service, including the investigation and inquiry bodies.

He holds a PhD in law, the academic title of associate professor, the class rank of Justice Adviser of the 3rd class, and is also actively engaged in teaching at the Russian State University of Justice.

He is the author of over 60 scientific papers in the field of criminal procedure, criminal law, prosecutorial supervision and enforcement proceedings.


  • Candidate of Legal Sciences, 2014, Department of Criminal Procedure, Justice and Prosecutorial Supervision, Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.

  • Diploma in the Jurisprudence specialty (with honors), Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.

We provide effective protection of the company's clients in administrative and criminal law cases in the economic sphere, as well as in the field of enforcement proceedings.
Senior Lawyer, Dispute Resolution Practice
Mikhail Stepkin


Michael specializes in litigation of commercial disputes, energy disputes, administrative disputes. He has ten years of experience in the judicial field.


  • Specialist (Jurisprudence), Moscow State Law Academy (2009)
  • Specialist (economist-mathematician), RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy
Reliability and professionalism are the cornerstone of our litigation practice!
Legal Counsel for Intellectual Property Practice
Eduard Faizullin


Eduard has the status of a patent attorney of the Russian Federation (registration number 901). He has extensive experience in the field of intellectual property law, namely:

  • advising clients on issues of industrial property, copyright and means of individualization, as well as on other issues of intellectual property rights application practice;
  • development of internal documents of clients in the field of intellectual property, including those governing the relationship “the author – the employer”;
  • preparation and submission of applications to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) in order to grant a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, as well as applications for state registration of a computer program and database;
  • preparation of draft agreements on the disposal of the right to obtain a patent and exclusive right (on the alienation of the right to obtain a patent, on the alienation of the exclusive right, license, on the pledge of the exclusive right, on changing the composition of patent holders, etc.), on the implementation of R&D, employment agreements in part related to ownership of rights to obtain a patent and exclusive rights, agreements on joint activities.


  • American Bar Association, USA, mediation course, May 2011;
  • Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Law on Unfair Competition and Taxation, Germany, Research, 2005;
  • University of San Diego, USA, Master’s program, 2003, specialization: American contract law, intellectual property law, antitrust law;
  • University of Manchester, Great Britain, postgraduate student, 2003, specialization: Corporate Law;
  • Bashkir State University (BSU), Lawyer, Diploma with Honours, 2000.
20 years of experience in complex projects in the field of intellectual property law is the key to the success of our practice in the field of high technology!
Ludmila Merkulova

Общая информация

Людмила имеет большой опыт работы в сфере налогового и валютного права, в том числе:

- все вопросы налогового права и валютного регулирования, включая все аспекты налога на прибыль, НДС, НДФЛ, налогообложения ценных бумаг и производных финансовых инструментов, хеджирования, международного налогового планирования и структурирования, оценки налоговых рисков корпоративных сделок и процессов, подготовки правовых позиций, меморандумов и заключений по сделкам с контролируемыми иностранными компаниями (КИК), взаимодействия с офшорными компаниями, оценки налоговых и валютных рисков по широкому кругу вопросов, включая оценку статуса конечного бенефициара, все аспекты толкования и применения концепции необоснованной налоговой выгоды, оценки рисков, связанных с недобросовестными контрагентами («компаниями-однодневками»), анализа структур и предложения решений;

- консультирование по вопросам налогового права и валютного регулирования, по вопросам организации автоматического международного обмена информацией, по практике и тактике предпроверочного анализа компаний и конкретным действиям при налоговых проверках, по вопросам частных VIP-лиц (налоговые, валютные, контрольные задачи, амнистия капиталов), по вопросам рисков, связанных с дроблением, защитой и наследованием бизнеса,

- организация и проведение комплексной проверки (аудита) по всем налоговым, валютным и контрольным вопросам, подготовка отчетов с описанием рисков и предложений по их минимизации;

- сопровождение компаний и взаимодействие с налоговыми органами по вопросам проведения налоговых проверок, контрольно-согласительной деятельности;

- сопровождение судебных налоговых споров во всех российских судебных инстанциях.


- МГИМО, к.ю.н., 2011 г.
- МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, юридический факультет, 2007 г.
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