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  4. Moscow authorities have explained the requirement for telephones of remote workers

Moscow authorities have explained the requirement for telephones of remote workers

8 октября 2020
Managing partner of the Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners Law Firm Alexander Nadmitov gave comments to RBC on the legality of the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated 06.10.2020 No. 97-UM, which obliged employers to provide information about employees, including their phone numbers, transport funds and travel tickets.

Alexander Nadmitov noted that the norm (clause 2, part 1, article 6 of the "Law on Personal Data") can be used to bypass the requirements for obtaining the consent of employees to transfer and process their data, since the employer's obligation to transfer them is spelled out in the mayor's decree.

More: Moscow authorities have explained the requirement for telephones of remote workers
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