The military registration register is to be used for military registration, removal and making changes to military registration documents. At the same time, information can be entered into it without the personal appearance of citizens, but, for example, from state information systems. The citizen will be notified about this in the personal account on the public services portal.
The information in the documents of the primary military registration has been expanded:
- phone number
- foreign citizenship
- knowledge of foreign languages
- a criminal record
- military training
- initiation or termination of criminal proceedings
- driver's license information.
Organizations must send information about citizens subject to military registration within 5 days from the date of their acceptance (receipt) or dismissal (expulsion) from work (educational institution).
See Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25 July 2023 No. 1211 "On Amending the Regulations on Military Registration and Recognizing Certain Provisions of Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation as invalid"
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