Represenation in the ICAC

13 октября 2019

Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners represents interests in the ICAC at the RF CCI (International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation).

The ICAC at the CCI is the legal successor of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission at the USSR CCI, formed in 1932. In its current form, this arbitration has been operating since 1995. However, his experience in resolving disputes with foreign economic entities is incomparable with the experience of similar institutions in the West. First of all, this comment concerns the consideration of complex complex disputes in accordance with the norms of various jurisdictions, as well as disputes over many generally accepted transactions in world practice. However, by virtue of the very geographical location and the circle of persons resorting to its services, the ICAC at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be considered positively disposed towards Russian legal entities.

Registration fee: 1000 US $, if the price of the claim is expressed in foreign currency and 30,000 rubles, if the claim is expressed in rubles. The arbitration fee includes a fee and an administration fee and depends on the value of the claim. As a rule, proceedings in the ICAC at the RF CCI are relatively cheap, although it cannot be ruled out that, under certain conditions, the costs will be comparable to the costs of foreign arbitrations.

Number of arbitrators: Dispute resolution is possible by a sole arbitrator or by a panel of three arbitrators.

Consideration period: according to the rules of the ICAC, it considers cases within 180 days, but in practice it is often possible to increase this period.

+7 (495) 649-87-12