Representation in the LCIA

13 октября 2019

Nadmitov, Ivanov & Partners provides representation at the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA).

The London International Arbitration Court is a London-based arbitration institution providing international arbitration services.

Number of arbitrators: 1 or 3, in exceptional cases more than 3, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise (Art.5.8)

Procedure for appointing arbitrators: before appointing an arbitrator, the Parties select candidates who are required to sign a statement on the presence or absence of circumstances that prevent them from becoming arbitrators, indicating whether the candidate is ready to devote his time and energy to participate in the dispute (Article 5.4). If the Parties have not chosen arbitrators, the appointment is made solely by the London Arbitration Court (Article 5.7).

Case processing time: on average 6 months

Registration Fee: £ 1,750 (LCIA Arbitration Costs Regulation)

Administrative fee: up to £ 800 / hour to the LCIA Secretariat, plus 5% of the Arbitral Tribunal's fee (approx. £ 450 / hour)

Advantages of LCIA: availability of effective means of reducing the costs of the Parties, quick appointment of arbitrators, provisions on emergency arbitration, extensive experience in international disputes, hourly pay in installments (the parties are not required to pay all arbitration proceedings in advance), one of the oldest and most popular arbitration institutions.

Features: The extended deadline for filing a Statement of Claim and a Statement of Response to the Arbitral Tribunal is 28 days (Articles 15.5 - 15.2).

The arbitral tribunal may consolidate an arbitration with one or more arbitral proceedings into a single arbitration, if the parties have expressed their consent to such a combination in writing (Article 22.6)

A candidate for arbitrator is obliged, within a certain period of time, to independently indicate the circumstances that may serve as a basis for doubts about impartiality and independence.

+7 (495) 649-87-12