Eduard has the status of a patent attorney of the Russian Federation (registration number 901) and has extensive experience in the field of intellectual property law, namely:
- advising clients on issues in the field of industrial property, copyright and means of individualization, as well as on the practice of applying intellectual property rights;
- development of internal documents of clients in the field of intellectual property, including those regulating the relationship "author - employer";
- preparation and submission to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) of applications for a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, as well as applications for state registration of a computer program and database;
- preparation of draft agreements on the disposal of the right to obtain a patent and the exclusive right (on the alienation of the right to obtain a patent, on the alienation of the exclusive right, licensing, on the pledge of the exclusive right, on changing the composition of patent holders, etc.), on the performance of R&D, labor contracts in terms of ownership rights to obtain a patent and exclusive rights, agreements on joint activities.
- American Bar Association, USA, Mediation Course, May 2011;
- Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Law on Unfair Competition and Taxation, Germany, Research, 2005;
- University of San Diego, USA, MSc, 2003, specialization: American contract law, intellectual property law, antitrust law;
- University of Manchester, UK, PhD student, 2003, specialization: Corporate Law;
- Bashkir State University (BSU), Lawyer, diploma with honors, 2000.