Roskomnadzor published a statement that it began to call social networks to draw up protocols on administrative offenses under Art. 13.41 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. "Internet sites will be brought to administrative responsibility in connection with the dissemination of information prohibited by law and aimed at attracting minors to participate in unauthorized mass (public) events," said Roskomnadzor in a statement. “Participation in such unauthorized events conducted in violation of the established procedure, including in a pandemic, carries risks of harm to life and health.”
The norms of Art. 13.41 in the Code of Administrative Offenses new - were adopted on 30 December 2020, entered into force only on January 10. "Art. 13.41 of the Administrative Code provides for sanctions for failing to take measures to restrict access to information that involves a minor in participating in an unauthorized meeting, rally, demonstration (for this, the sanctions are provided for in Article 20.2 of the Administrative Code), "the managing partner of the law firm Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners told RBC Alexander Nadmitov.