RBC TV about crab auctions

18 июля 2018

Alexander Nadmitov, Managing Partner of Nadmitov, Ivanov & Partners, supported the FAS Russia's initiative to distribute crab catch quotas through auctions on RBC TV, calling it the most optimal option.

In Russia, there is a historical way of distributing quotas for catching crab, 10-year quotas for catching crab were approved in 2008, they take into account the fishing history of companies from the previous period. In 2017, the term of such quotas was extended to 15 years. FAS Russia proposes to replace the historical way of allocating quotas. For example, in 2017, an auction for the sale of quotas for catching crab in the Primorsky Territory brought the treasury 23 billion rubles.

Nadmitov, Ivanov & Partners regularly represents clients on complex antitrust issues and is actively involved in legislative work on antitrust issues.


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