The new accreditation rules for IT companies provide for two accreditation options. The right to choose a particular option is given to the company itself.
Option 1:
A) The average monthly salary of the company's employees is not lower than the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation or in a subject of the Russian Federation for the penultimate quarter preceding the date of application for state accreditation;Option 2:
B) Main type of economic activity in the sphere of information technologies (List of activities in Appendix № 1 to the Regulations);
C) The share of the company's income from information technology activities is more than 30% of the company's total income;
D) The company's website contains information on information technology activities.
A) The company's income exceeds 1 million roubles;
B) The share of the company's income from IT activities constitutes more than 30% of all the company's income;
C) The company is a copyright holder of software included in the unified register of Russian software for electronic computers and databases;
D) Main type of economic activity in the sphere of information technologies (List of activities in Appendix No. 1 to the Regulation);
E) The company's website contains information about its information technology activities.
State accreditation can now also be granted to a company included in the register of start-ups, which has been established less than three years prior to the date of application for state accreditation, if its revenue since its creation does not exceed 1 million roubles. State accreditation can also be granted to state institutions and autonomous non-profit organisations operating in the IT sphere, established by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which meet the criteria listed in Option No. 1.
In order to receive state accreditation the company must submit an application for state accreditation electronically through the information system "Single portal of state and municipal services (functions)". Notification on the results of application review is sent to the company using the "personal account" service on the day when the relevant decision is made.
In relation to the accredited organization, the Ministry of Finance may conduct an extraordinary inspection for compliance with the conditions for state accreditation for the last reporting period.
Nadmitov, Ivanov & Partners law firm advises on the accreditation of IT companies.