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Comments to RBC on new restrictions on cultural organizations in Moscow

13 ноября 2020
Managing partner of the Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners Law Firm, Alexander Nadmitov, commented to RBC about the restrictions imposed by Decree of the Moscow Mayor No. 107-UM, according to which the hall in cinemas, theaters and concert halls cannot be filled with spectators by more than 25%.

Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 1395 of 11.11.2020 clarified the issue of how to return tickets to viewers purchased before November 13 and constituting more than 25% to cinemas, theaters and concert halls: all tickets purchased before November 13 will be valid ... Alexander Nadmitov noted that the order of the Ministry of Culture fills the gap for federal theaters that arose because of the mayor's decree of November 10.

More: https://www.rbc.ru/society/13/11/2020/5fad27b99a79470a01988c8b
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