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  4. Comments to Pravo.ru for the article "Bankruptcy: three ways to return property to the bankruptcy estate"

Comments to Pravo.ru for the article "Bankruptcy: three ways to return property to the bankruptcy estate"

28 мая 2020
The senior lawyer of the Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners Law Firm gave comments to Pravo.ru for the article "Bankruptcy: three ways to return property to the bankruptcy estate".

“It is optimal to dispute such agreements within the framework of a bankruptcy case. Often, it is simply impossible to recognize transactions as invalid outside the bankruptcy procedure due to the absence of any documents. It should be borne in mind that within the framework of a bankruptcy case, there is usually a large evidence base, as well as increased procedural activity of the court, ”says Mikhail Stepkin.

More details: https://pravo.ru/story/221685/?desc_chrono_2_2=

The law firm "Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners" provides a wide range of services for representing clients in bankruptcy and insolvency cases:
  • on bringing to subsidiary liability;
  • for affiliated loans;
  • challenging transactions;
  • to challenge the actions of the liquidator;
  • on the inclusion of claims and on challenging the inclusion of claims in the register of creditors;
  • on collateral in bankruptcy;
  • in cross-border bankruptcy cases.

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