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  4. Consumer terrorists are among us. How people abuse the right of the client

Consumer terrorists are among us. How people abuse the right of the client

24 июня 2021

Recently, such a phenomenon as consumer terrorism has become widespread, that is, this is the desire of the client to abuse his rights in order to get any benefit from the company whose services he used. 

Managing Partner Alexander Nadmitov commented on this phenomenon from the point of view of legislation and current judicial practice: "Although large companies have the opportunity to work on disputes with customers, but proceedings with consumer terrorists will hardly help them, since there is no "uniform position of courts on such disputes" yet. The current legislation allows consumers to make illegal demands to companies and not bear any responsibility for it. Entrepreneurs, in response, can only use the mechanism of distributing legal costs and collecting compensation for lost time, as well as protect their business reputation". To correct the situation, according to Nadmitov, it is necessary to change the legislation. "Even now, the balance of interests of entrepreneurs and consumers is being considered during court proceedings, but in general, the practice of abuse of law in consumer terrorism has yet to take shape."

More: https://baza.io/posts/acf95414-a21e-435c-b17a-3ede01ee517c

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