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  4. Bulat Tugutov on three practices

Bulat Tugutov on three practices

8 августа 2023

A video interview with Bulat Tugutov, a partner at the Nadmitov, Ivanov & Partners law firm, has been published on their channel. In the interview, he presents the firm's administrative and criminal law practices in the field of economics, as well as their practice in representing the interests of participants in enforcement proceedings.

Bulat has over fifteen years of practical experience, including holding managerial positions in the prosecutor's office and the Federal Bailiffs Service, including investigative and inquiry authorities. He holds a candidate of legal sciences degree, the title of associate professor, the rank of counselor of justice 3rd class, and is actively engaged in teaching at the Russian State University of Justice.

He is the author of over 70 scientific works in the field of criminal procedure, criminal law, prosecutorial oversight, and enforcement proceedings. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University (M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University), with a diploma in "Jurisprudence" (with honors), and obtained his candidate of legal sciences degree in 2014 from the Department of Criminal Procedure, Justice, and Prosecutorial Oversight at the Faculty of Law, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University


00:00 - Greetings

00:23 - Career

03:25 - Firm's services within the practice of protecting the interests of economic operators in enforcement proceedings

08:21 - Firm's services within the criminal law practice in the field of economic offenses

11:27 - Trends in the field of enforcement proceedings

15:05 - Automation of the Federal Bailiffs Service's activities

+7 (495) 649-87-12