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  4. The minimum asset size for obtaining the status of a qualified investor has been increased

The minimum asset size for obtaining the status of a qualified investor has been increased

3 февраля 2025
The Bank of Russia has amended the procedure for recognizing individuals as qualified investors. According to the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 6926-U dated November 5, 2024, the minimum asset size required to obtain the status of a qualified investor has been increased from 6 million rubles to 12 million rubles, while from January 1, 2026, this figure will be 24 million rubles.

This change is aimed at strengthening the protection of non-qualified investors and tightening the criteria for access to market instruments that require in-depth knowledge and experience.

The Instruction was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 24, 2025 (registration No. 81024) and officially published on January 30, 2025. It comes into force 10 days after publication, that is, on February 9, 2025.

These changes significantly increase the property threshold for obtaining the status of a qualified investor, providing additional time for adaptation before the new level of 24 million rubles comes into force.

The law firm "Nadmitov, Ivanov and Partners" provides a wide range of services on issues of registration and support of investment funds.

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